General Terms and Conditions (AGB)

Interim Operations GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “Hotel Seegarten”) for the provision of hotel rooms

I. Scope of application

These GTC form an integral part of all contracts that Hotel SEEGARTEN concludes with contractual partners for the provision of hotel rooms (hereinafter “rooms”) for accommodation (hereinafter “accommodation contract”) and for all other related services and deliveries of Hotel SEEGARTEN.

Conflicting or deviating terms and conditions of the contractual partner shall not be recognised unless Hotel SEEGARTEN and the contractual partner expressly agree otherwise in writing.

II Conclusion of contract

Following a reservation, Hotel SEEGARTEN shall send the contracting party a reservation confirmation by email. The accommodation contract is only concluded when Hotel SEEGARTEN sends this confirmation of reservation to the contracting party.

Bookings of more than five rooms are subject to the Hotel SEEGARTEN’s group policy. Hotel SEEGARTEN concludes a separate accommodation contract for such bookings, which includes special conditions governing cancellation and payment terms. Hotel SEEGARTEN reserves the right not to accept group reservations without such a separate accommodation contract.

Hotel SEEGARTEN is entitled to refuse to conclude an accommodation contract with a contractual partner at its own discretion.

III. prohibition of transfer / use of rooms

The Contractual Partner is prohibited from subletting or sub-letting booked rooms or selling or assigning claims against Hotel SEEGARTEN. If the Contractual Partner breaches this prohibition, Hotel KRONE shall be entitled to cancel the Contractual Partner’s booking. Use of the room for any purpose other than accommodation is expressly prohibited.

IV. Prices

All prices are quoted in CHF. Prices in foreign currencies are approximate prices at the bank exchange rate. Cash payments in foreign currencies are converted at the KRONE hotel exchange rate and may differ from the bank exchange rate.

The price quoted and confirmed is per room per night and is valid for the period requested. The prices quoted are not binding for changes to bookings or additional nights. The Hotel SEEGARTEN reserves the right to adjust the prices for rebookings or additional nights.

V. City Tax

The Hotel SEEGARTEN will charge the contractual partner a city tax of CHF 3.50 per person per night in addition to the price quoted per room.

VI Reservations, cancellation and rebooking

The contract partner must provide a valid credit card or an alternative payment method offered by Hotel SEEGARTEN on the electronic sales channels for a reservation at the time of booking. Hotel SEEGARTEN is entitled to check the validity of this information immediately and to carry out a pre-authorisation on the credit card or alternative payment method provided. The payment and cancellation conditions communicated upon conclusion of the sale shall apply.

The reservation of a non-cancellable rate, which is marked as such in the description or the conditions, cannot be cancelled or rebooked free of charge. In the event of cancellation or no-show by the contracting party, the total amount of the stay will be retained.

At the latest 48 hours before arrival, Hotel SEEGARTEN may charge the credit card provided by the contract partner for the full amount of the overnight stay plus any additional services booked. If it is not possible to charge the credit card, Hotel SEEGARTEN reserves the right to cancel the reservation. The right of the contractual partner to use the room shall then lapse. If the contract partner fails to turn up, Hotel SEEGARTEN shall in any case retain the full amount of the stay and the contract partner’s right to use the room shall lapse.

The following applies to room cancellations for a contingent of one to five rooms

  • Up to two days before arrival: free cancellation;
  • From the day of arrival (15:00 CET): the contractual partner will be charged the full amount of the overnight stay;
  • In the event of a no-show by the contractual partner: the contractual partner will be charged the full amount of the overnight stay.

The following applies to room cancellations for a contingent of six to 27 rooms

  • Up to 42 days before arrival: All rooms can be cancelled free of charge;
  • 41 to 28 days before arrival: 50% of the overnight stay can be cancelled free of charge;
  • 27 to 14 days before arrival: 25% of the overnight stay can be cancelled free of charge;
  • 13 days until 18.00 CET on the day before arrival: 10% of the overnight stay can be cancelled free of charge.

If the contracting party cancels the reservation, Hotel SEEGARTEN reserves the right to reallocate the reserved rooms.

VII Room handover and return

There is no entitlement to a specific reserved room.

Booked rooms are available to the customer from 3.00 pm on the day of arrival. On the agreed day of departure, the rooms must be vacated by 11.00 a.m. at the latest. After this time, the Hotel KRONE may charge 50% of the room rate for the following night until 2.00 p.m. and 100% from 2.00 p.m. onwards.

Furthermore, in the event that the Contractual Partner vacates the room late or not at all, Hotel SEEGARTEN reserves the right to have the room vacated by its staff and to store all items brought in by the Contractual Partner at Hotel SEEGARTEN. Hotel SEEGARTEN assumes no liability for the items stored in this way beyond the liability conditions formulated in these GTC (see Section XI).

VIII. Registration form and disclosure of personal data

The contractual partner is obliged to provide his personal data and additional information relevant to the registration form truthfully and in advance via the electronic online registration data portals of Hotel SEEGARTEN in accordance with the statutory provisions.

IX. Taxes, fees and charges

The prices quoted (see Section IV) are gross total prices and include all statutory taxes, fees and charges with the exception of City Tax, which is shown separately.

Hotel SEEGARTEN reserves the right to adjust prices in the event of changes to tax, fee and levy rates and the levying of new taxes, fees and levies.

X. Utilisation options for public areas

When reserving a room, the contractual partner may use the designated public areas free of charge. The Hotel SEEGARTEN reserves the right to close the public areas at any time without prior notice and without the Contractual Partner being entitled to a refund. The public areas are not part of the accommodation contract.

XI. Liability / Duty of care

The contractual partner must use the rooms and facilities of the Hotel SEEGARTEN with the utmost care. He is liable for all damage and consequential damage caused by him. In the event of soiling, the Hotel Krone is authorised to arrange for special cleaning or additional rubbish collection at its own discretion and to charge the contractual partner for this. If the contract partner triggers a fire alarm, he must pay the costs for this.

The Hotel SEEGARTEN is not liable for theft and in relation to third-party services. Hotel SEEGARTEN accepts no liability for damages incurred by the contractual partner due to slight negligence on the part of hotel staff.

XII Food and beverages

The preparation and consumption of food and drink is prohibited in the public areas.
The preparation of food is prohibited in the rooms; the consumption of food and drinks is permitted as long as they do not cause soiling or odour emissions.

XII Smoking in the hotel

The Hotel SEEGARTEN is a non-smoking hotel. It is prohibited to smoke in the public areas or in the rooms. In the event of non-compliance, Hotel SEEGARTEN has the right to expel the contract partner from the room and to claim damages from the contract partner, including cleaning costs incurred and loss of income. Smoking is permitted in the predefined outdoor areas.

XIV Right to issue instructions and domiciliary rights

The contractual partner undertakes to comply with all regulations and instructions issued by Hotel SEEGARTEN and its staff.

The Hotel SEEGARTEN is entitled to refuse the contractual partner access to the Hotel SEEGARTEN if there are indications that the customer is under the influence of alcohol or drugs on arrival, or if the customer behaves in an abusive manner towards the hotel staff or other persons.

The Hotel SEEGARTEN is entitled to expel the contractual partner from the Hotel SEEGARTEN and to terminate the existing accommodation contract with him without notice if he repeatedly disturbs the peace or harasses or insults the hotel staff or other persons.

If Hotel SEEGARTEN exercises its right of cancellation or referral, the Contractual Partner shall have no claim for damages against Hotel KRONE.

The Contractual Partner may not take any persons into the room or public areas of the Hotel SEEGARTEN without the express authorisation of the Hotel KRONE.

XV Final provisions

In the event of contradictions between the Accommodation Agreement and these GTC, the provisions of the Accommodation Agreement shall take precedence. The Accommodation Agreement and these GTC contain all agreements between the parties regarding the subject matter of the contract.

There are no verbal collateral agreements to the accommodation contract.

Amendments or supplements must be made in writing.

Hotel SEEGARTEN is authorised to transfer all rights or claims arising from the accommodation contract to third parties.

Any invalidity of one or more of the above provisions shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The invalid provision shall be replaced by a valid provision that comes closest to the economic and legal intentions of the parties.

Swiss law shall apply exclusively with the exclusion of international private law and the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) within the meaning of Art. 6 CISG. The place of jurisdiction is Zurich (CH).

Version 01 Zurich, December 2024